Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Alcohol": Type, Content, Comment

The author of Allen Carr on how easy it is to quit drinking

In many countries, no statistical studies have been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the Allen Carr method. However, maybe every smoker has a friend who recommends him to read a book "A Simple Way to Quit Smoking" at least once. She helped a lot. Less popular is the easy way to stop drinking. The topic of alcohol addiction is very sensitive. Not everyone who manages to overcome it will not hesitate to recommend the work of the founder of the "easy road" clinic to friends and acquaintances.

What makes this method unique

Quitting smoking is not easier than climbing Mount Everest. But Allen Carr, the creator of the unique technology, managed to refute this myth. When the book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" came out, many people doubted it. An avid smoker can hold the cigarette in his hand and read it, gradually becoming suspicious of the harm of nicotine. However, it is difficult to imagine a person who will be seriously drunk and enthusiastically study the book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking".

Interestingly, Carl’s method was originally used to combat smoking, and then released in the mid-eighties, it is applicable to all types of addiction. Therefore, a former patient of the clinic "Easy Way" said.

This disease is easy to overcome

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that cannot be eliminated. It can be relieved, but it cannot be cured completely. Many doctors insist on this view. The author of "Easy Ways to Quit Alcohol" opposed accepted dogma. But he did not compete with the "abstainers".

How to stop drinking based on Alan Carr's book

Allen Carr believes that alcoholism should not be considered an incurable disease. In addition, he believes that if you receive treatment in his clinic, the disease can be eliminated in only four hours. Through Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking", addicts can overcome it. But first, you need to find the strength to hold this book in your hands. This is not easy for people who drink a lot but don't think they are alcoholics. But for those who realize they are trapped and decide to read "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking", all that remains is to read each chapter carefully and thoughtfully.

"Carnivorous Plants"

This is the title of the chapter "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking". We will not repeat the content of this book here. Here are the most interesting points. Positive reviews of Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" often say that the author's style is relaxed and relaxed. There are no strict guidelines. In the process of reading, the illusion of sincere and friendly dialogue was produced.

The easy way to stop drinking type is psychological counseling. The author jokingly called his book a detective. After all, what we are talking about is that addiction kills a person.

Carnivorous plants-traps to catch small insects. Like hallucinations, alcohol can relieve problems and relieve stress. Carl made this comparison in "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking. "

One of the author’s goals is to help readers get rid of addiction and shame. Everyone who has an irresistible desire to drink gets into an absurd situation at least once in his life. Addiction usually leads to unemployment, family and other serious problems.

Allen Carr's easy way to stop drinking

Just opening Allen Carr's book is not enough. The most important thing is to admit that there is a problem: the craving for alcohol, you do not have enough strength to get rid of yourself. But for those who rarely drink during the "big holiday", Alan Carr's book is also worth reading. This is a prevention, a short process, and it will keep you from making mistakes in the future.

Carl wrote: "I hate the word alcohol, but this hatred does not extend to drug addicts. " Drinkers can feel uneasy conscience, which prevents getting rid of the craving for alcohol. Carl provided the information very correctly. This is an important advantage of his book.

In captivity

Alcohol addiction is imprisonment. Maybe everyone will agree with this explanation. But Alan Carr's technique is very unusual. The author of "Simple Ways to Quit Smoking" believes that drinkers find that their prisons are caused by prejudices that prevail in society. Usually, doctors try to advise patients to stop drinking, and list various diseases caused by regular drinking. This is not the best way.

Yes, people who drink alcohol can compile a list of terrible diseases and check it every time they want to take a sip. But sooner or later, this will happen in most cases, and he will tear this terrible list into small pieces and throw it away.

Allen Carr gives an interesting example in his book. Imagine that the doctor came to the cell where the Count of Montecristo was imprisoned, checked the prisoner and said to him: “It’s not the best reflection of your health here. You should leave here, or at least more frequently. Get into the fresh air. ''Monte Cristo already knows that imprisonment will not bring any benefits. Such advice is stupid and useless. The prisoner in the novel will eventually escape the dungeon. But can people who drink alcohol do this? The problem is that he is both a prisoner and a prisoner.

Alan Carr's book reviews easy ways to stop drinking

Among alcohol, alcohol can alleviate the problem. When he realized that drunkenness was too much, he could not decide to fight it.

The doctor said that it is impossible to get rid of alcoholism. The road to relief is long and difficult, and it will also have a negative impact on psychology and happiness. Drinkers are bound by the prejudices created by society.

Alan Carr's Rules

To get rid of addiction, you need to know the following three things:

    < Drinkers must eliminate factors that interfere with limiting alcohol consumption. One of these factors is a misunderstanding that there is no holiday feast without alcohol.
  1. A person tries to limit the amount of alcohol consumed by considering its harm, but finds that his fastness in prison is as reliable as the prisoners in Dumars' novels.
  2. The last thing the alcoholic wants to hear is how sad and unhappy he is. To get rid of addiction, you need to stop beating yourself.

Benefits of alcohol

In his book, Allen Carr does not criticize alcohol, but tries to find its positive aspects. And he didn't. Carl believes that the negative impact of alcohol is not greater than the positive. But he insisted: There is no benefit to drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol systematically destroys will and dignity. It has no other effect. In the book published in 1985, the author did not insist on quitting smoking urgently. Allen Carr did the same thing when writing about alcoholism. He does not recommend limiting the amount of alcoholic beverages when reading. This is the specificity of this method.

Don't deceive yourself

All alcoholics lie. Not because they are dishonest. It can be said that this is one of the symptoms of alcoholism. In addition, people who drink alcohol not only lie to others, but also lie to themselves. In order to escape the alcohol trap, you must stop lying to yourself.

Allen Carr recommends that readers make two lists. First, the disadvantages of alcoholism. On the other hand, dignity. When compiling the first and second lists, you must be very honest with yourself.


Tips from Allen Carr's book An easy way to stop drinking

In the 20th century, various countries launched anti-alcohol campaigns. However, alcohol advertising has been very effective. Alcohol is pleasant and relaxing. Many interesting topics have emerged.

Allen Carr thinks these are misunderstandings. When writing the first book, he insisted on the same point of view, in which he pointed out that nicotine addiction is only beneficial to tobacco product manufacturers. In terms of alcohol advertising, Allen Carr cited the American West Magazine as an example. The heroes of these movies spend most of their time in bars. People give the impression that they have done nothing but cheap whiskey.

Readers of this book can cite multiple comedies as examples. The heroes in popular movies are fascinated and have not lost their charm. It happens that they even find themselves in interesting situations, which do not complicate life, but solve many problems. The ensuing question is: "So what is the harm of alcohol? " The foundation of the Allen Carr method is to reject the delusions that we have been accustomed to since childhood.


Strangely, readers in many countries have a positive attitude towards British writers’ books. These comments confirm that the method developed by the man who was regarded as a liar and liar at home by proponents of traditional treatment methods in the 1990s is indeed effective.